Strengthen the Nation's Scientific Competitiveness.

By increasing the number of well-prepared U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents who pursue careers in the mathematical sciences, the RTG program supports efforts to improve research training by involving undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and faculty members in structured research groups centered on a common research theme.

Rensselaer's RTG program consists of faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates who have an interest in applied mathematics.  The research projects of interest are mathematical biology, optical properties of materials, oceanography, nonlinear optics, rarefied gas dynamics, plasma physics, and fluid and structural mechanics.

The majority of our RTG Ph.D graduates take postdoc positions at prestigious organizations such as: Courant Institute, The Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Brown University, UC Santa Barbara, and Baylor University.

The RTG program is supported by the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation.


RTG Organized Events

  • Weekly RTG seminar
  • Applied Math Days
  • Graduate School Selection Seminar
  • the Job Application Seminar
  • preparatory workshops for the Mathematical Contest in Modeling

Previous RTG Postdocs