The divisions among the basic disciplines in the sciences—and among specialization within particular areas of science—are no longer as distinct as they once were.

Many of Rensselaer’s interdisciplinary programs in the School of Science have gained national recognition. Many students and faculty in science participate in institute-wide centers, including integrated electronics, composite materials, design, robotics, scientific computation, and more. Others undertake co-op programs within industry.

School of Science Graduate Programs

Applied Mathematics, M.S.

Areas include differential equations, asymptotic analysis, functional analysis, numerical analysis, mathematical programming, and applied geometry. Mathematical modeling and applications of mathematics in the physical sciences, biological sciences, and engineering are also emphasized.

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Applied Science, M.S.

The Master of Science degree traditionally has been in a single subject, e.g., chemistry, physics, or mathematics. However, the working environment that college graduates face today, and will face in the future, is one in which their jobs increasingly bridge more than one area of specialization. The M.S. in Applied Science program, intended for working professionals, is based upon Rensselaer’s belief that science graduates of the past few decades and most current graduates need educational preparation for today’s interdisciplinary world. Options exist in many areas of science. Examples include bioinformatics, polymer science, and computational science.

Christian M. Wetzel
Associate Dean
(518) 276-6905


Biochemistry/Biophysics, M.S., Ph.D.

Research areas include cell motility mechanisms, bioenergetics, glycobiology, protein folding, focusing of the eye, cellular bioengineering, and biofluid mechanics. Structure, function, synthesis, folding, stability and purification of various proteins and nucleic acids are being studied by molecular modeling, NMR, ESR, fluorescent probes, proteomics, and molecular genetic techniques.

Ph.D program >>

M.S. program >>

Biology, M.S., Ph.D.

Areas of research include cell, molecular, and developmental biology, genetics, neurobiology, cancer biology, stem cell biology, structural biology, bioinformatics, molecular and cellular biophysics, computational biology, bioenergetics, biochemistry, tissue engineering, microbiology, freshwater ecology, and environmental sciences. The program emphasizes interdisciplinary training, use of cutting-edge technologies, and close interactions between students and faculty.

Ph.D program >>

M.S. program >>

Chemistry, M.S., Ph.D.

Research areas include analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, biochemistry/biophysics, carbohydrate chemistry, computational chemistry, inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymer and materials chemistry, surface science, and spectroscopy. Programs are designed to fit the needs of individual students.

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M.S. program >>

Computer Science, M.S., Ph.D.

Research is conducted in algorithms, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, computer graphics, computer vision, data mining, database systems, distributed systems, grid computing, machine and computational learning, network security, networking, pervasive computing, robotics, semantic web, simulation, social networks, software engineering, and tetherless/wireless networking. Entering students are expected to have a substantial academic background in computer science and mathematics. Previous research experience preferred.

Ph.D program >>

M.S. program >>

Geology, M.S., Ph.D.

Research areas include geochemistry, igneous and metamorphic petrology, structural geology, tectonics, geophysics, seismology, groundwater systems and hydrogeology, chemical hydrology, and river and lake pollution.

Ph.D program >>

M.S. program >>

Mathematics, M.S., Ph.D.

Research areas include analysis, methods of applied mathematics, differential equations, dynamical systems, inverse problems, numerical analysis, mathematical programming, operations research, data mining, and applications of mathematics in the physical sciences, biological sciences, and engineering.

Ph.D program >>

M.S. program >>

Multidisciplinary Science, M.S., Ph.D.

The School of Science offers graduate programs leading to a Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degree in Multidisciplinary Science. These degrees allow students, who have traditional discipline-oriented backgrounds, to function more effectively in academic, industrial, or governmental positions that are multidisciplinary in nature. Prior to admission to the program, each student must contact a faculty member at Rensselaer concerning the proposed multidisciplinary research and must demonstrate that financial support is available. With the help of the faculty member, who will be the principal research adviser, each student must prepare a preliminary research proposal that clearly indicates why this research is suited for the multidisciplinary program instead of a departmental program.

Christian M. Wetzel
Associate Dean
(518) 276-6905

Physics, M.S., Ph.D. Astronomy, M.S.

Research areas include experimental and theoretical particle, nuclear, and particle physics, experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics of surfaces, interfaces, epitaxial films, nanostructures, nanoparticles, and disordered materials, optical and electronic properties of artificial structures, ultra-fast and non-linear optical phenomena, terahertz spectroscopy, imaging and electronics, ultra-high-speed photonic communication, molecular and cellular biophysics, astrophysics of star-forming regions, astrobiology, and educational development in physics.

Ph.D program >>

M.S. program - Physics >>

M.S. program - Astronomy >>