Committee Letter Updates

For re-applicants. 

If you have already completed a committee letter with the Pre-Health Advisory Committee within the last four years, the Pre-Health Advising Office retains your information on file and can update your committee letter accordingly. If you feel that your application has changed substantially since your first application or more than four years has passed, you may also go through the normal Pre-Health Advisory Committee process for first time applicants. Unless you have completed significant academic work, research, and medical experience, in most cases we recommend using the Letter Update process if you are eligible. 

The letter update process for the 2024-2025 application cycle is closed.

Letter Update Application Process

Applications for letter updates are accepted through the end of May for each application cycle, prior to application services opening. Requests made after this deadline will be considered but are not guaranteed based upon availability. Students and alumni who wish to update their letter should first plan to meet with the Pre-Health Advisor ( This meeting will focus on your new application, strategies for success for this cycle, and address any concerns that you may have.

After meeting with the Pre-Health Advisor, you will be given a link to the re-applicant application, where you will be required to submit the following information: 

  • A brief response indicating your preparation for this cycle vs. the previous cycle you applied
  • An updated personal statement
  • An updated resume
  • Copies of non-RPI coursework transcripts completed since the previous cycle you applied
  • Updates to standardized test scores, if applicable
  • Up to ten new 'updates' for us to consider when writing an updated letter

We can re-use letters of evaluation from a previous cycle, if desired, but require that you provide contact information for any new recommendations that will be added to your packet or any letter updates. We recommend that you include no more than six letters of evaluation regardless of their source. 

Please keep in mind that we do not merely update your letter, but completely re-write the letter in a similar fashion to our normal process. Our goal is to ensure that any new activities you have completed will be highlighted to admissions committees. Providing as much detail as possible will ensure that your preparation is better highlighted. 

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